What exactly is El Niño? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


What exactly is El Niño?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. The ocean between Asia and the Americas is the Pacific Ocean.
  2. During normal conditions in this ocean, winds blow from east to west along the equator, taking surface water from South America toward Asia.
  3. And surface water is almost always warmer than deep water.
  4. As this surface water moves away, cold water rises from the depths to replace the warm water.
  5. But every few years, the winds from South America to Asia weaken.
  6. This leads to warm water being pushed back toward the Americas.
  7. This raises the surface temperature of the water around the Americas by 1.5OC to 2.5OC above average. 
  8. And this unusual warming of surface water is called El Niño.
  9. El Niño events occur irregularly at two to seven-year intervals and can’t be predicted.
  10. They can last from nine months to a year and, in some cases, for several years.
  11. It causes increased rainfall in the southern parts of the US & northern parts of South America.
  12. And drier-than-normal conditions over northern Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
  13. South American fishermen first noticed this unusually warm water in the region in the 1600s.
  14. There are no records of what these fishermen called the phenomenon, but Spanish immigrants called it El Niño, which translates to “the little boy”.
  15. When capitalised in Spanish, EL NIñO means the Christ Child and was used because the phenomenon often arrived around Christmas.
Image courtesy of MIT OpenCourseWare
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