Why was Vietnam War fought? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why was Vietnam War fought?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. France ruled Vietnam after 1850s.
  2. In 1940, Nazi Germany defeated France and overtook its colonies including Vietnam.
  3. In March 1945, Japan invaded Vietnam in World War II.
  4. But Japan had to surrender to US & Allies in August 1945, after Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings.
  5. So, the control of Vietnam came back from Japan to a provisional French government.
  6. People in Vietnam were fed up of being ruled by France, Germany, Japan and then provisional French government.
  7. A political leader – Ho Chi Minh – who had emerged from the unrest in Vietnam in 1941 wanted independence.
  8. Ho and his army fought the French and won in 1954.
  9. The winners of World War II were seen as world powers and they wanted to intervene and Geneva Peace Accord (GPA) was signed.
  10. As per GPA, Vietnam was to be divided in two-parts (North & South) till elections that were to happen in 2 years.
  11. Ho Chi Minh was made in-charge of North, while the French representative was to manage South Vietnam.
  12. Ho Chi Minh found GPA to be unfair as he had won the battle but agreed to sign because the arrangement was temporary.
  13. US also knew that in two years, Ho, a communist, will come into power and communism (and therefore Soviet Union’s influence) will expand.
  14. US feared this expansion and began providing military and financial assistance to South Vietnam.
  15. South was badly losing, so US entered the war against North, who had the backing of USSR & China.
  16. North won the war that lasted for close to 20 years (1955-1975) and 3 million people died, including 60,000 Americans.
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