Pablo Picasso and the myth of overnight success - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Pablo Picasso and the myth of overnight success

  • Legend has it that Pablo Picasso (a Spanish artist) was once sitting in a cafe, carelessly drawing something on a napkin.
  • A woman sitting nearby was watching him in awe.
  • A few minutes later, when Picasso was done with his coffee and was leaving, he crumbled the napkin to throw it away.
  • The woman stopped him and said, “Can I have that napkin you were just drawing on? I will pay you for it.”
  • “Sure,” Picasso replied, “It will be $20,000.”
  • “What? It took you less than 2 minutes to draw it,” the woman reasoned.
  • “No ma’am, you are wrong,” Picasso replied. “It took me 40 years.”
  • He stuffed the napkin in his pocket and walked out of the cafe.
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