How does sugar make us fat if there is no fat in it? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


How does sugar make us fat if there is no fat in it?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. When you eat a meal, carbohydrates get broken down into glucose.
  2. As the brain senses glucose, it signals the pancreas to release insulin.
  3. Insulin is like an access card, without which the glucose can’t enter the cells to provide the energy to perform various tasks.
  4. So, it gets attached to each glucose unit and opens the cells’ doors to allow its entry into the cells.
  5. When there is more glucose than the cells can absorb, the liver converts it into fat as it can’t let sugar remain in the blood (otherwise, everyone will have diabetes).
  6. This fat is stored in fat cells, which are found under our skin, in the liver and on top of kidneys, etc. (this describes the plumpness in the body when we gain weight).
  7. Male bodies store more body fat in fat cells around the liver, kidneys, etc. and under the chest, abdomen, and buttocks (producing an “apple” shape).
  8. Female bodies store fat in the fat cells under breasts, hips, waist, and buttocks (creating a “pear” shape).
  9. Another way sugar makes us fat is by affecting the hormone Leptin.
  10. Leptin is like the fuel meter in our cars – when full, it informs the brain that the body doesn’t need food, and when empty, it signals the brain to get the body to eat.
  11. Leptin is produced by fat cells in proportion to how full they are – the more fat we have, the higher the leptin levels, and so, the less we need to eat.
  12. Constant eating of sugar means higher leptin levels, and when the brain keeps receiving “high-leptin” signals constantly, it starts assuming that the leptin ‘gauge’ has malfunctioned.
  13. So, it turns resistant to leptin signals and starts stocking up, ‘just in case’ – this explains why people with high fat tend to eat more.
Image courtesy of mali maeder through Pexels
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