Why do we say 'OK'? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why do we say ‘OK’?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. OK stands for All Correct.
  2. In the 1830s, there was a growing trend in America of using short forms or abbreviations.
  3. For example, SP for Small Potatoes, ISBD for It Shall Be Done.
  4. Young, cool, intellectual types in Boston, USA, took it a step further and started giving the abbreviations a spin.
  5. They used wrong abbreviations as a cool code to belong to a group.
  6. For example, Enough Said was KC (Knuff Ced), All Right was OW (Oll Wright), No Use was KY (Know Yuse).
  7. In the 1820s-30s, All Correct had been a common phrase to suggest everything was good.
  8. On 23 March 1839, OK, meaning All Correct, was used for the first time in the Boston Morning Post newspaper.
  9. Soon other papers followed and spread the word around America; OK became popular.
  10. Then 1840-41, the 8th US President Martin Van Buren wanted to re-contest Presidential elections.
  11. He was from Kinderhook, New York, and his followers worked out a campaign OK, “Old Kinderhook”.
  12. “If you vote for Old Kinderhook, you vote for All Correct,” & “Are you OK?”
  13. The opposition started using OK for Orful Konspiracy.
  14. Because of such extensive use in public and press, OK became a part of the American language.
  15. In 1844, the telegraph debuted, and this short word with an ability to communicate a big feeling of “everything is fine” caught on.

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