Why is there no ‘E’ grade in schools? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why is there no ‘E’ grade in schools?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. Alphabets as grades are believed to have been first used in 1883 by Harvard University.
  2. Gradually, other institutions started grading students with letters.
  3. The first institute to fully adopt this grading system is said to be Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, USA.
  4. Here, an A meant 95%-100%, B was 85%-94%, C 76%-84%, D 75%, and anything under 75% was an E, which meant Fail.
  5. By the 1930s, the grading system had grown quite popular as more and more institutions began using it. 
  6. It was around this time that E was omitted from the grading system.
  7. This was done, so students or parents don’t misinterpret E as “Excellent”.
  8. Letter grades are much less preferred these days and are mostly used in elementary schools.
  9. This is so because of a lack of consistency with its use and, therefore, lack of transferability across institutions.
  10. E.g., 80% marks would remain 80% across schools, but an A- could be a B+ in another school.
  11. The fact that they represent ranges (A = 95% to 100%) also don’t go well with many experts. 

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