Why is a sandwich called a sandwich? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why is a sandwich called a sandwich?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. In Europe, the highest-ranking “officer” under the king was called a Duke.
  2. After the duke, there was the marquess, and after the marquess, there was the earl.
  3. Now, there is a town in England called Sandwich, which today has a population of around 5000 people.
  4. In the 1760s, the Earl of this town, Sandwich, was someone named John Montagu.
  5. Montagu was addicted to gambling and would spend hours playing cards on the gambling table each day.
  6. One day he asked his house cook to bring him something he could eat without leaving the table and without using a fork and knife.
  7. And since he was playing cards, he didn’t want his hands to get greasy.
  8. So, the cook tucked meat between two slices of bread, and the sandwich was born.
  9. He is said to have liked the sandwich so much that he began eating them at his work deskHis biographer, N. A. M. Rodger suggests that he first consumed a Sandwich at his work desk. and regularly requested them at gatherings, making it popular in the London society.
  10. Soon, his friends (who most likely were not from Sandwich) began to order “the same as Sandwich.”
  11. While sandwich became a sandwich because of the Earl of Sandwich, Montagu wasn’t the first to eat his meat tucked between slices of bread.
  12. He is believed to have gotten the idea from Turkish and Greek platters where dips, cheeses, and meats were all “sandwiched” between layers of bread 
  13. And possibly shared this idea with the house cook before the first sandwich was produced.

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Why is a sandwich called a sandwich?

Image courtesy of Erin Wang through Pexels
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