Why do we cross fingers for good luck? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Fingers Crossed

Why do we cross fingers for good luck?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. To cross one’s fingers or merely stating ‘fingers crossed’ is a gesture commonly used in the western world to wish for luck, and there are a few theories on its origin.
  2. Theory 1: The intersection was considered the dwelling place for good spirits.
  3. Like ‘touching wood’, this belief is also said to have started by some people, who were called Pagans.
  4. These people believed in the worship of multiple Gods and lived in EuropeCrossing fingers as a belief is said to have started in Western Europe and parts of Africa (territories that were a part of the Roman Empire).
  5. At the beginning of this tradition, the well-wisher would place his/her index finger over the index finger of the person expressing the wish – the two fingers forming a cross.
  6. This intersection was thought to be a symbol of perfect unity and, therefore, the dwelling place for good spirits, who secured the wish firmly until it came true.
  7. Eventually, well-wishers began wishing alone by first crossing their two index fingers and finally adopting the one-handed practice that we use today.
  8. Theory 2: A sign to recognize fellow Christians.
  9. In the early days of Christianity under the rule of the Roman Empire, Christians were persecuted for their beliefs.
  10. So, the early followers had to remain secretive and use signs to recognize each other; and making a cross with the other Christian was a kind of handshake.
  11. Each member would present their thumb and index finger in the shape of an “L” and the other person’s “L” would lead to the touching of the thumbs and crossing of the index fingers.
  12. This crossing was believed to invoke the power of Christ’s crucifixion.
  13. The one-handed finger-crossing that is used today is said to have started in Hundred Years’ War*A series of conflicts between the Kingdom of England & the Kingdom of France in the period between 1337 to 1453. when soldiers needed God’s favor and crossing fingers with the other person wasn’t practical.
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