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- China consumes around 50-60 million tonnes of pork each year, which is half of what the entire world eats.
- While China’s huge population also plays a role, on the per capita consumption also China ranks 4th.
- There are various reasons why pork is so popular in China.
- Reason 1: Pig is a low maintenance animal
- Pigs can be raised on ‘waste’ and while China is prospering now, several severe crises in the past (e.g., 36 million were killed by famine in the 1970s) made low-cost raising a critical factor.
- Reason 2: Historical significance
- Pigs are believed to be among the first animals domesticated for food in ancient China around 7000 BC.
- In Mandarin, the Chinese character for ‘roof’ when written above the Chinese character for ‘pig’ creates a word, which means ‘home’.
- Reason 3: Symbol of societal and economic stability
- Because pork is the staple diet in China and 70% of all meat eaten is pork, an increase in its price leads to an overall increase in consumer prices.
- This happens because when pork prices increase, people move to protein alternates, and their prices also increase, thereby creating an inflationary cycle.
- So, the Chinese government does everything possible to keep pork affordable to maintain societal stability.
- This includes providing subsidies to pig farmers and buying or leasing millions of hectares of lands across various countries to support pig farming.
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How chicken became the staple diet of the world?
Image courtesy of Picture by mali maeder from Pexels