Why are more men than women dying of the coronavirus? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why are more men than women dying of the coronavirus?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
  1. A human body is made up of over 1 trillion (1 followed by 12 zeroes) cells.
  2. Each cell has 46 chromosomes and they occur in pairs, so 23 (46/2) pairs of chromosomes.
  3. One pair out of these 23 is a sex chromosome pair; if this pair is XY, you are a genetic male and if it is XX, you are a genetic female.
  4. To run a human body, our cells need instructions; put together, these 23 pairs contain close to 20,000 instructions (called genes) but they are not spread equally; some chromosomes have more instructions & some have less.
  5. 22 out of 23 pairs have more or less same information among males and females but between XX and XY there is a huge difference.
  6. X chromosome has around 1000 instructions, while a Y chromosome has only 70; so, a female’s sex chromosome pair has 2000 instructions, while a male’s sex chromosome pair has only 1070 instructions.
  7. Cells are the building blocks of human body (when we say body is recovering or fighting, it is basically the cells that are repairing or fighting) and to have 930 more instructions in each of 1 trillion cells makes females genetically far superior.
  8. It is like the user manual of a washing machine: more instructions means higher chances of you troubleshooting a problem on your own.
  9. What is important is that the extra instructions that females have are not just any instructions, they are instructions of X chromosome, a chromosome without which human life is not possible (that is why males also have X but just one).
  10. Some of these instructions are of immune function; so women naturally have double horsepower as far as fighting infections or pathogens is concerned.
  11. Chromosomes also govern the difference in the level of the sex hormones such as estrogen (higher in females) and testosterone (higher in males).
  12. Testosterone has been found to affect the efficiency of immune system, while estrogen has been found to support it.
  13. Another biological reason is that men tend to accumulate more fat around their organs (visceral fat), while women tend to have more fat under their skin (subcutaneous fat) to support the child-bearing process.
  14. Visceral fat has been found to be a major source of compromised immune system, so males have a higher tendency to have preexisting conditions, making them vulnerable.
  15. Then there are lifestyle reasons such as smoking (35% of world’s males smoke while only 6% females smoke) & drinking (higher tendency in males than females), which make males more susceptible.


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