The happiest man on earth - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


The happiest man on earth

  1. There was a king named Croesus in ancient Greece who was so rich that the expression “rich as Croesus” is still used today to mean someone extremely wealthy.
  2. One day, a wise man Solon came to visit Croesus.
  3. When Solon didn’t show any surprise or admiration for his wealth, Croesus was offended.
  4. He desperately wanted Solon to acknowledge his wealth.
  5. So, he asked Solon if he had ever seen a man happier than Croesus.
  6. Solon mentioned a peasant who worked hard, raised a family, and was content with what he had before he died.
  7. Croesus was irked and, to build his argument, he mentioned his victories and claimed territories.
  8.  Still unimpressed, Solon continued to give examples of people who had fulfilling lives and died really happy.
  9. Now irritated, Croesus asked point-blank why would Solon not consider him the happiest man on earth.
  10. To this, Solon replied: “We can’t call a man, alive still, to be the happiest because a man’s circumstances may suffer change. Only those who the divinity has guaranteed continued happiness until the end we may call happy.”
  11. Soon after Solon’s departure, tragedy befell Croesus.
  12. His oldest son died in a hunting accident and he was invaded by Emperor Cyrus.
  13. Croesus spent some time in prison and was later murdered.
Image courtesy of Pixabay through Pexels
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