Why is Zero called 'Love' in tennis? - Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia

Things You Know But Not Quite | Amazing Facts | Trivia


Why is Zero called ‘Love’ in tennis?

Reading Time: < 1 minutes
  1. In the game of lawn tennis, ‘love’ represents a score of zero.
  2. E.g., when the game starts with both players at zero, it is called ‘love-all.’
  3. And when one person scores, it becomes 15 to love.
  4. There are two theories on why love came to mean zero in tennis.
  5. Theory 1: It is a corruption of the French word l’oeuf. 
  6. L’oeuf in French means the egg.
  7. Tennis was invented in 1873/74 in England.
  8. And according to ‘the egg’ theory, when the game was taken to France, the French used the word l’œuf to mean ‘zero,’ due to 0’s resemblance to an egg.
  9. And the English people mispronouncing l’œuf as love influenced the change.
  10. Theory 2: It comes from the players’ love for the sport.
  11. The idea is that even if a player doesn’t get any points, it doesn’t matter because they are playing for the love of the game rather than to win.

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Image courtesy of Valentin Balan
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